Born in the Netherlands, Josananda studied flute at the                      conservatory in Amsterdam.
After successfully completing his studies, he concentrated on solo performances, chamber music and teaching.
He has also collaborated on several CD recordings of various artists.
In 2010 Josananda started creating his own composed meditative music, which soon resulted in several CDs.


foto by Liesbeth Deckers

The process of making a CD is done by Josananda himself. From recording the different songs to mastering the CD. He even does the layout of the CD cover himself.

As a concert flutist, Josananda plays various other instruments including, various native indian flutes, shakuhachi, bansuri, percussion and piano.

The music is suitable for meditation, yoga, reiki and to relax.

Josananda also gives live meditative concerts nationally and internationally. These can range from living room concerts to yoga/meditation centers or concert halls.
For concert requests, please send me an email.

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